add_action located in a class method in plugins do not work when called outside the plugin file

I have a simple and single class located in a file in its own directory in plugins.

The class has just one purpose, and that is to remove some unwanted wordpress actions using remove_action, it works just as a simple wrapper for a number of remove_action() function calls.

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Now, the problem is, when trying to instantiate the class outside its own file. Then all the remove_action() function calls does not do its job, but still returning TRUE as in, success. This was discovered while trying to debug the simple class.

If I instantiate the class and call its only function within the same file where class is, everything works like a charm. Weird? Could be only me, but I really want to call the plugin class methods outside its own file, like in theme files.

Did anyone had this problem while developing plugins?

// removed the plugin stuff...

class WPStylesheetLoader
    public $styles = array();

    public function add($identifier, $url)
        $this->styles[] = array('identifier' => $identifier, 'url' => $url);

    public function enqueueAll()
        foreach($this->styles as $style)
            wp_enqueue_style($style['identifier'], $style['url']);

    public function activate() {
        echo add_action('get_header', array(&$this, 'enqueueAll'));

$stylesheet = new WPStylesheetLoader;
$stylesheet->add('normalize', get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/css/normalize.css');
$stylesheet->add('style', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_url'));
$stylesheet->add('media-queries', get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/css/media-queries.css');

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  1. Some errors and strange things:

    • echo add_action() does not exist. It’s simply add_action().

    • The correct hook to print the enqueued styles and scripts is wp_enqueue_scripts.

    • You’re doing a plugin but loading styles from a theme?

    • The theme style.css is always loaded, why are you enqueuing get_bloginfo('stylesheet_url')?

    • &$this is PHP 4 code, drop the &.

    The following works, I’ve added a __construct so as to register the plugin’s URL:

    class WPStylesheetLoader
        public $styles = array();
        public $plugin_url;
        public function __construct()
            $this->plugin_url = plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ );
        public function add( $identifier, $url )
            $this->styles[] = array(
                'identifier' => $identifier, 
                'url'        => $this->plugin_url . $url 
        public function enqueueAll()
            foreach( $this->styles as $style )
                wp_enqueue_style( $style['identifier'], $style['url'] );
        public function activate() 
            add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueueAll' ) );
    $stylesheet = new WPStylesheetLoader;
    $stylesheet->add( 'normalize', 'css/normalize.css' );
    $stylesheet->add( 'media-queries', 'css/media-queries.css' );