Im using the wordpress plugin WP Web Scraper and i want to pull the current stock price of apple from yahoo.
So this is basically how you do it. But this is not how I want to do it.
<?php echo wpws_get_content(";_ylt=AubbkdWzK3JVgeeOxVZvOwmQJ7gB;_ylc=X1MDMjE0MjQ3ODk0OARfcgMyBGZyA3VoM19maW5hbmNlX3dlYl9nc19jdHJsMQRmcjIDc2EtZ3AEZ3ByaWQDBG5fZ3BzAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNmaW5hbmNlLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMgRwcXN0cgMEcXVlcnkDQUFQTCwEc2FjAzEEc2FvAzE-?", "span.time_rtq_ticker", array('output' => 'text')); ?>
This way I have to manually add AAPL to the s=AAPL part. I’ve named my post title AAPL so how can I make it so it automatically add my post title to the s= part?
I have tried a few things like s=<?php the_title(); ?>
and s=" . $the_title . "
but this doesn’t seem to work.
Any ideas?