For a WP Theme with multiple admin screen (got its own main menu and some submenus), I want to add a common Js script to load on (only) all these pages.
I know how to acheive this using the pagehooks of the individual (sub)pages lioke this:
add_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $page, 'my_plugin_admin_script');
but this way I need to reåeat this for each admin page (for each submenu pagehook)
Is there a way smarter way to add the scripts, testing for the PARENT menu? so that I just need to add it with one line of admin_print_scripts-* code?
It would be easiest to run some conditional logic on
inside a callback hooked ontoadmin_print_scripts
, and would go a little something like this..You’ll need to replace
with the handle of your parent page, it’s the fourth parameter inadd_menu_page
…The script will then enqueue for both the parent page and any of it’s children pages..
Hope that helps…