I am trying to write a plugin in wordpress and have been doing it in stages, I understand how to add javascript to the wp_head however adding multiple function calls to the plugins options is something I don’t think I’m understanding. This is my first attempt at trying to write a plugin so I know I am going about this wrong. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
If I have:
function tweet_feed_it() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
modpath: "path/to/plugin/twitter/",
username: "twitter_username",
join_text: "auto",
count: tweet_count,
auto_join_text_default: "We tweeted,",
auto_join_text_ed: "We",
auto_join_text_ing: "We were",
auto_join_text_reply: "We replied to",
auto_join_text_url: "We were checking out",
loading_text: "loading tweets..."
// Add to head
add_action('wp_head', 'tweet_feed_it');
The script shows up in wp_head fine.
But in my wordpress plugin I have set some options and I want to call them to use within the script tags.
I will show what i have tried so you get an idea of what I am trying to accomplish at least:
class TweetFeedIt {
function tweet_feed_it() {
function twitter_username_callback() {
function tweet_count_callback() {
printf( '<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
modpath: "http://test.phoenixlaef.com.au/wp-content/plugins/Tweet-Feed/twitter/",
username: "twitter_username",
join_text: "auto",
count: tweet_count,
auto_join_text_default: "We tweeted,",
auto_join_text_ed: "We",
auto_join_text_ing: "We were",
auto_join_text_reply: "We replied to",
auto_join_text_url: "We were checking out",
loading_text: "loading tweets..."
, esc_attr( $this->options['twitter_username']), esc_attr( $this->options['tweet_count'])
// Add to head
add_action('wp_head', 'tweet_feed_it', 'twitter_username_callback', 'tweet_count_callback');
Do I need to register the option settings to use it like this or is what I am trying to do just not practical?
Thanks for your help in advance 🙂
Nesting functions in PHP very rarely makes sense. There are some advanced reason for doing it, but I doubt they are needed in this case.
function can take up to 4 parameters, but those parameters are not the names of the nested functions you wrote above.Read the documentation for PHP, for
and for adding scripts. PHP does exactly what you tell it to do, but you have to follow the conventions of the language.