Add filter function in media modal box

I’m trying to extend the media modal, but I cant’ find any documentation / tutorials about it. I’m not a master of backbone too 😉

I want to add a select box for each taxonomy that is attached to the attachment post type. At the moment only one select box is shown.

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So this is what I came up with. It works great except that it replaces the default toolbar.


 * Extended Filters dropdown with taxonomy term selection values

    media.view.AttachmentFilters[key] = media.view.AttachmentFilters.extend({
        className: key,

        createFilters: function() {
            var filters = {};

            _.each( mediaTerms[key] || {}, function( term ) {

                var query = {};

                query[key] = {
                    taxonomy: key,
                    term_id: parseInt(, 10 ),
                    term_slug: term.slug

                filters[ term.slug ] = {
                    text: term.label,
                    props: query

            this.filters = filters;


     * Replace the media-toolbar with our own
    media.view.AttachmentsBrowser = media.view.AttachmentsBrowser.extend({
        createToolbar: function() {

            media.model.Query.defaultArgs.filterSource = 'filter-media-taxonomies';

            this.toolbar = new media.view.Toolbar({
                controller: this.controller

            this.views.add( this.toolbar );

            this.toolbar.set( 'terms', new media.view.AttachmentFilters[key]({
                controller: this.controller,
                model:      this.collection.props,
                priority:   -80
            }).render() );



enter image description here

My result

enter image description here

What I want

enter image description here

Full code

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1 comment

  1. The wonderful world of Backbone.js and WP (of which I know barely anything).

    I think the problem is you are just calling the same default media.view, instead I believe you need to initialize a new one.

    For example:

     * Replace the media-toolbar with our own
        var myDrop = media.view.AttachmentsBrowser;
        media.view.AttachmentsBrowser = media.view.AttachmentsBrowser.extend({
        createToolbar: function() {
            media.model.Query.defaultArgs.filterSource = 'filter-media-taxonomies';
            this.toolbar.set( key, new media.view.AttachmentFilters[key]({
                controller: this.controller,
                model:      this.collection.props,
                priority:   -80
            }).render() );

    Would give you something like below (I did not do any thorough error checking but it does work).

    enter image description here

    You should also consider doing this with media.view.AttachmentFilters and anything custom with regards to;.

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