add a woocommerce shop to every buddypress user

I’m creating a social network site with buddypress and woocommerce.
I want to enable every member to purchase from others and to sell their products online.

That is, every user must assigned to a woo-commerce category at the time of signup and their products will be listed in the sub of category.
For every category, there should be a separate pay-out account (like paypal).

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I want to achieve this without using the buddypress-multisite feature.

What I am after:

I want an idea behind it, any code snippets, examples or plugins.

All answers and suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.

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  1. As th @kaiser’s comment

    “Btw: A quick search on Google brought this plugin by Themekraft. –
    kaiser Jul 25 at 14:30”

    I bought this PLUGIN

    WooCommerce – BuddyPress Integration:
    Your Social Network Shop

    Its working well and fulfills my need

    Thanks to @kaiser.

  2. So after you purchased the plugin, there seems to be one problem left.

    “Users are unable to add their own product by themself”

    I think this a problem with your user permission settings. Try the “Members”-plugin by Justin Tadlock to adjust your users roles capabilities. Maybe you’re able to grant them the access.

    Hint: Take a look at the post type that is used for products. Then search inside this Post Type object for the capability needed to publish_posts. WordPress internally maps all capabilities for post types to the default capability names of a “Post”.

    This means that you could have a capability named “say_amen”, which is then mapped to “edit_others_posts” (and does exactly the same), but for a custom post type named “Allahs words”.