I am having problems as some computer from an IP address is trying to access all the files on my server.
How should I change the .htaccess
file so that IP address gets NO access at all to any files? And which .htaccess
file do I change? It looks like I have one inside each folder.
The basic mod_access module should get you what you need
Something like that. I dont know the exact syntax. Keep in mind that depending on your exact version of Apache (1.3/2.0/2.2) then the module requirements might be different. I think in 2.2 you need the authz_host module, but in 1.3 its mod_access.
For simple cases, you can try http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-ban/, which can keep IP or IP range from visiting your blog.
If that’s not enough, you can modify .htaccess as follows
Another way, this time using
rules in a.htaccess
means ‘stop executing further rules, and return403 Forbidden
as the HTTP status’.blocked.html
could contain a message indicating that they’ve been blocked.