Im building a short code to display product info when passed with an ID, Ive got the title and image working but the description is the one Im having trouble with.
function wcproductslider($atts) {
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
'product' => '98',
), $atts );
$product_ID = $a['product'];
$pro = new WC_Product($product_ID);
$ret = "<b>Title: </b>".$pro->get_title() . "<br>";
$ret .= "<b>Image: </b><br> <a href=' " .$pro->get_permalink() . " '>".$pro->get_image($size = 'shop_thumbnail') . "</a><br>";
$ret .= "<b>Long Description: </b>" . $pro->post->post_content;
$ret .= "<b>Short description: </b>" . $pro->post->post_excerpt;
return $ret;
I managed to figure some of it out using wc product class but theres nothing about the product excerpt.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Figured it out, didn’t put anything in my short description of the product.
Long Description
Short Description