I’m working on a custom shortcode:
[abuzz-store slug="woolworths" fields="description,level,phone" more="true"]
The shortcode is working correctly on the website frontend. However, I can no longer save edits to pages in wp-admin. Various PHP errors are thrown from trying to execute the shortcode outside of the proper template.
Here is the shortcode functionality:
* [indo_store_details_shortcode description]
* @param [type] $atts [description]
* @return [type] [description]
function indo_store_details_shortcode($atts)
$options = shortcode_atts(array(
// Abuzz Store slug
'slug' => '',
// Abuzz Store fields to display (title, description, level, phone)
'fields' => '',
// Display a link to further store details (store page)
'more' => false,
), $atts);
// sanity checks
if (!$options['slug']) return '';
// if (is_admin()) return '';
$output = '';
// retrieve store information
$store = get_posts(array(
'name' => $options['slug'],
'post_type' => 'store',
// determine fields to display
$fields = explode(',', $options['fields']);
$output .= '<article class="abuzz-store">';
// title field
if (in_array('title', $fields)) {
$output .= sprintf('<h2>%s</h2>', $post->post_title);
// "metadata" .options-list
if (in_array('level', $fields) ||
in_array('phone', $fields)) {
$output .= '<ul class="nav options-list">';
// level field
if (in_array('level', $fields)) {
$levels = get_group('Level', $store->ID);
$output .= sprintf('<li class="icon-text"><i class="icon-text__icon icon icon-level-black"></i> %s</li>', indo_combine_levels($levels));
// phone field
if (in_array('phone', $fields)) {
$output .= sprintf('<li class="icon-text"><i class="icon-text__icon icon icon-phone-black"></i> %s</li>', get('phone_number', 1, 1, $store->ID));
$output .= '</ul>';
// description field
if (in_array('description', $fields)) {
$output .= get('information_text', 1, 1, $store->ID);
// "More details" link
if ($options['more']) {
$output .= sprintf('<p><a href="%s" title="More details" class="btn btn--black-arrow icon-text--rev">More details <i class="icon-text__icon icon icon-arrow-white"></i></a></p>', get_permalink($store->ID));
$output .= "</article>n";
return $output;
add_shortcode('abuzz-store', 'indo_store_details_shortcode');
Error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_group() in D:xampphtdocs126-indooroopilly-shopping-centrewwwpublic_htmlwp-contentthemesindooroopillyincludeshortcodes.php on line 90
is a function added by a 3rd party plugin (Magic Fields), which isn’t loaded in wp-admin. Which is what I’d expect.
Why is this being executed when the page is saved?
Shortcodes must return, not echo or print their output. As the Codex entry for
explains:Change your shortcode callback function to return its value.
You could also consider using PHP’s output buffering for your shortcode ob_start and ob_get_clean like this:
The ob_start function will turn output buffering on. While output buffering is active no output is sent from the script (other than headers), instead the output is stored in an internal buffer.