Display posts count in front of the tag, for each tag

I needed to list all existing tags so I have some code that does it. Now I would like to put the count (the number of posts the tag is associated with) in front the tag like in the example given below.

    first_tag  - 18
    second_tag - 24
    third_tag  - 48

I found a solution given here that displays count for one specific tag, but I need the counts for each and every tag. So, could this be modified to my need. Or do you have any other ideas. Will appreciate your help.

$taxonomy = "post_tag"; 
$term_slug = 'some-tag';
$term = get_term_by('slug', $term_slug, $taxonomy);
echo $term->count;

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  1. It is still not very clear what you are trying to do, but maybe get_terms() is what you want.

    $terms = get_terms('post_tag',array('hide_empty'=>false));
    foreach($terms as $t) {
      echo $t->name.' :: '.$t->count.'</br>';