I’ve found out about new Google Firebase Hosting recently and I was wondering if that would work for WordPress website?
I got a bit confused them talking about static websites & web apps even though as far as I know WordPress is dynamic…right? on their website it says:
Whether you are deploying a simple app landing page or a complex Progressive Web App, Hosting gives you the infrastructure, features, and tooling tailored to deploying and managing static websites.
It looks like a nice Hosting platform for web, especially that they provide SSL certificates, but is it good for WordPress?
I THINK it would be possible, you still need your SQL+PHP server and you should use it as WordPress backend, you need the WordPress REST API and a plugin with hooks in transition_post_status, comments… and whatever you want to show in your front end, use WordPress API endpoints to send the JSON to the firebase database… after your template should use a Javascript framework in order to make JSON requests to the firebase database and show the data in the browser… It would be difficult but I think it could be the cheaper and best solution ever for a high traffic website (plus all the benefits of firebase).
Nope. Firebase doesn’t provide any of the requirements necessary for WordPress, that being MySQL and PHP on the server side. Firebase provides a JSON store accessible via an API, and static hosting for apps that can access said API.