I’m using WordPress 3.8.1 with the theme twenty fourteen. Unfortunately , when you click on a category with no post assigned to it for now , it displays a not found page. I’ve tried to create a plugins with a hook that replace that by a text (like the description of the category).
If there are no posts is in the category, only the description is displayed, if the category have posts, description is displayed and posts founds after. For now I don’t find any ways to affect the nothing found page.
Is it possible to do this without modifying the category.php file (with plugin by hooks) like this thread
Make a child theme.
Copy category.php into your child theme.
Comment out lines 17, 33, 46, 48, and 50.
The category checks if you have any posts under that category and if not shows ‘Nothing Found’.
You’re essentially removing the if statement.
This will show the category title if there are not posts under this category.