WordPress on iis error 500 for uploaded files

I am using iis to host a WordPress website. Whenever i upload an image, i have to go to the uploaded image path and give “IIS_IUSRS” permission to that pic file for it to be able to be displayed in an image tag. If i do not do this i get 500 Internal Server Error.

Is there a way that “IIS_IUSRS” get permissions on every future files in the folder.

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I already have tried to give everyone permission on uploads folder,
but still does not works

enter image description here

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1 comment

  1. Try replacing child object permissions entries from IIS.

    1. Connect to IIS manager.
    2. Select the website and navigate to folder Uploads.
    3. Right Click on the Uploads folder and Click Edit Permissions.
    4. Click on Security Tab.
    5. Select the IIS_IUSRS username and click on Advanced button.
      enter image description here
    6. Check the checkbox “Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object”.
      enter image description here
    7. Click on Apply and OK.

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