Custom Post-Types are awesome and a PAIN at the same time. Basically, I need to have a landing page, with the list of the direct child elements of the post type (think product categories), but also some information copy at the top as well.
I initially created a top-level post called “Products” and have the hierarchy tree underneath that, but that was making the link which is obviously not what I want.
I know I can create an archive page and a custom template to display JUST the child elements, but I’m not sure how add the extra content (I.E. the informational content) at the top of the page without hard-coding it into the template.
Any way to do this?
You can hook in a widget area for content before any type of loop.
You can do this from your functions file using a hook like loop_start and include a conditional tag after the function otherwise you can register the widget in functions and add the template tag directly to a template.
You might need to change the conditional tag.
If you call the sidebar directly from your template file, you won’t need the hook.
Here’s a complete custom post type archive file which includes the widget before the loop.