I’m trying to add a text widget for only the Archive pages. The first block of code below is what is default for the theme.
if (Bunyad::posts()->meta('featured_slider') == 'rev-slider' && function_exists('putRevSlider')) {
echo '<div class="main-featured"><div class="wrap cf">'
. do_shortcode('[rev_slider ' . esc_attr(Bunyad::posts()->meta('slider_rev')) .']')
. '</div></div>';
In addition to the code above, I added this second block directly underneath it. The only difference is that I added && is_archive()
on the first line to target all Archive pages and also the three lines of code starting at line 5.
if (Bunyad::posts()->meta('featured_slider') == 'rev-slider' && function_exists('putRevSlider') && is_archive() {
echo '<div class="main-featured"><div class="wrap cf">'
if (!dynamic_sidebar('categories')) :
_e('', 'bunyad');
. do_shortcode('[rev_slider ' . esc_attr(Bunyad::posts()->meta('slider_rev')) .']')
. '</div></div>';
The result is a blank page so obviously something is wrong here. Is there some kind of way to condense both of these blocks into something more elegant?
It is probably giving a white page due to a syntax error. The if block is in the middle of an echo. Try something like: