I use a wordpress theme called layers, it has it’s own layout builder that uses custom widgets to add content to a page.
I am trying to develop a user onboarding plugin for this when a user enters the customizer for the first time. What I am trying to ahieve is when a user clicks “Next” on step 4 (the button has the class .step4
), the layers widget opens in the customizer.
I can see that within layers there is a function called layers_expand_widget
which I am trying to bind to a on click event.
Here is the contents of the layers_expand_widget function:
function layers_expand_widget( $widget_li, $widget, e ){
// Instant user feedback
// Instantly remove other classes
$('.layers-focussed').not( $widget_li ).removeClass('layers-focussed layers-loading');
// Handle the first time Init of a widget.
if ( !$widget_li.hasClass( 'layers-loading' ) && !$widget_li.hasClass( 'layers-initialized' ) ){
$widget_li.addClass( 'layers-initialized' );
if ( 'click' === e.type ) {
// If event is 'click' it's our early invoked event so we can do things before all the WP things
$widget.trigger( 'layers-interface-init' );
}, 50 );
} else {
// If event is 'expand' it's a WP invoked event that we use as backup if the 'click' was not used.
// eg 'shift-click' on widget in customizer-preview
$widget.trigger( 'layers-interface-init' );
And here is my script (which is loaded after the above code).
jQuery('.step4').on('click', function (e) {
var $widget_li = $('#customize-control-widget_layers-widget-column-30');
var $widget = $widget_li.find( '.widget' );
layers_expand_widget( $widget_li, $widget, e );
Currently my script does nothing, is there something obvious I am missing?
UPDATE: Here is my full js code:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$('body').attr('onboarding_step', 'step1');
$('<div class="so_overlay"></div>').insertBefore('body.wp-customizer');
$('.so_overlay').html('<div id="onboarding_steps_container" class="step1"></div>');
$('#onboarding_steps_container').html('<div class="onboarding_steps"></div><div class="button_holder"><button id="next">NEXT</button><button id="prev">PREVIOUS</button></div>');
// here's the steps
var steps = [
var classes = [
counter = 0;
$('#next').click(function () {
counter = (counter + 1) % steps.length;
$('#onboarding_steps_container, .button_holder button').attr('class', 'step' + (counter + 1));
$('body').attr('onboarding_step', 'step' + (counter + 1));
$( 'button #next.step2' ).on("click", function(){
alert('im here');