Remove specific shortcode from get_the_content()

I have a variable like this:

$post_content = get_the_content();

Here I want to remove some specific shortcode from the $post_content variable e.g I want to remove only this

all other shortcodes and content formatting should be leaved intact.

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How could this be done?


I’m able to remove some specific shortcode by using code something like this …

    echo do_shortcode( 

But it is also removing all html tags/formatting of get_the_content(). How to avoid it?

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  1. If you want exactly this shortcode:

    [video height="300" width="300" mp4=""]

    to output nothing, then you can use the wp_video_shortcode_override filter or the wp_video_shortcode filter to achieve that.

    Here are two such examples:

    Example #1

     * Let the [video] shortcode output "almost" nothing (just a single space) for specific attributes
    add_filter( 'wp_video_shortcode_override', function ( $output, $attr, $content, $instance )
        // Match specific attributes and values
              isset( $atts['height'] ) 
            && 300 == $atts['height'] 
            && isset( $atts['width'] ) 
            && 400 == $atts['width'] 
            && isset( $atts['mp4'] )
            && '' == $atts['mp4']   
            $output = ' '; // Must not be empty to override the output
        return $output;
    }, 10, 4 );

    Example #2

     * Let the [video] shortcode output nothing for specific attributes
    add_filter( 'wp_video_shortcode', function( $output, $atts, $video, $post_id, $library )
        // Match specific attributes and values
              isset( $atts['height'] ) 
            && 300 == $atts['height'] 
            && isset( $atts['width'] ) 
            && 400 == $atts['width'] 
            && isset( $atts['mp4'] )
            && '' == $atts['mp4']   
            $output = '';
        return $output;
    }, 10, 5 );


    I would recommend the first example, because there we are intercepting it early on and don’t need to run all the code within the shortcode callback.

  2. You can use php preg_replace core function to search for your shortcode in content and remove it so your code may be :

    $post_content_without_shortcodes = preg_replace ( '/[video(.*?)]/s' , '' , get_the_content() );
  3. Wouldn’t it be

    $post_content_without_shortcodes = strip_shortcodes(get_the_content());

    or there’s also

    $post_content_without_shortcodes = remove_all_shortcodes(get_the_content());

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