How to disable W3 Total Cache “Performance” menu under multisite?

I came across the following article W3 Total Cache – How to disable “Performance” menu under multisite?

However on testing it with the latest version of WordPress 3.7 and W3 Total Cache v0.9.3 it seems to no longer work.

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How can I update the code from the link above so it works

I also have the following code which works it removes the “Performance” from the admin top bar

//Remove Performance
function ds_w3tc_remove_adminbar() {
   global $wp_admin_bar;
     if ( ! is_super_admin() ) {
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu','ds_w3tc_remove_adminbar',999);

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1 comment

  1. Please try to remove it with the menu slug 'w3tc_dashboard' instead of 'w3tc_general':

    i.e. use

    remove_menu_page( 'w3tc_dashboard' );

    instead of

    remove_menu_page( 'w3tc_general' );

    in the linked code example.

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