Remove images from get_the_excerpt

I’m using a custom function to create a shortcode that displays the latest blog post on the home page of a template. But I’m trying to NOT have it display any images.

I know I can use the Advanced Excerpt plugin to have it remove images, but the issue is that it will also remove images from the index.php feed which I want to keep which is using the_excerpt() in the template.

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Here’s my custom function that creates the shortcode:

function my_recent_news()
  global $post;
  $html = "";
  $my_query = new WP_Query( array(
       'post_type' => 'post',
       'posts_per_page' => 4

  if( $my_query->have_posts() ) : while( $my_query->have_posts() ) : $my_query->the_post();

       $html .= "

       <span class="date">" . get_the_date() . "</span>
       <h2><a href="" . get_permalink() . "">" . get_the_title() . "</a></h2>
       " . get_the_excerpt() . "



  return $html;


add_shortcode( 'news', 'my_recent_news' );

I’ve posted something about this before:

get excerpt without images

but the solution was to use the Advanced Excerpt plugin, but for this I am trying to use the excerpt on the home and the blog feed page but I want to preserve the img markup on the blog feed and remove the img tag from the custom shortcode.

I’ve tried to used just the_excerpt() in that custom shortcode function, but that just seems to break the whole function and display some really odd stuff.

I’m not too sure if I need to have a filter somewhere to strip that out or what. I’m also not sure that if I do need a filter, where that would go? Before the loop, after the loop, or does it need it’s own constructed argument?

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  1. If you read the Codex entry for get_the_excerpt(), you will find this:

    If the post does not have an excerpt, this function applies wp_trim_excerpt to the post content and returns that generated string with “[…]” at the end. wp_trim_excerpt is applied via the get_the_excerpt filter and can be removed.

    The wp_trim_excerpt() function:

    Generates an excerpt from the content, if needed.

    The excerpt word amount will be 55 words and if the amount is greater
    than that, then the string ‘ […]’ will be appended to the excerpt.
    If the string is less than 55 words, then the content will be returned
    as is.

    So, you could either re-apply wp_trim_excerpt() to the get_the_excerpt filter, or else just output it directly:

       $html .= "
       <span class="date">" . get_the_date() . "</span>
       <h2><a href="" . get_permalink() . "">" . get_the_title() . "</a></h2>
       " . wp_trim_excerpt() . "
  2. Ok, so I did more digging and testing and I found by using strip_tags() basically removes any formatting within get_the_excerpt().

    Here’s my updated code:

    function my_recent_news()
      global $post;
      $html = "";
      $my_query = new WP_Query( array(
           'post_type' => 'post',
           'posts_per_page' => 4
      if( $my_query->have_posts() ) : while( $my_query->have_posts() ) : $my_query->the_post();
           $html .= "
           <span class="date">" . get_the_date() . "</span>
           <h2><a href="" . get_permalink() . "">" . get_the_title() . "</a></h2>
           " . strip_tags(get_the_excerpt(), "<a>") . "
      return $html;
    add_shortcode( 'news', 'my_recent_news' );

    I added the <a> to preserve any hyperlinks within the excerpt of the post to display.

    With this, I can preserve the markup with the blog feed page along with using the Advanced Excerpt plugin to assist with trimming the length and what not.

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