How to have Parent (relative) expand according to a Child (absolute) div

I understand similar questions have been asked multiple time, I’ve tried their solutions tailored to my code but none of them seem to work. My website has a header with a div inside of it containing a WordPress Contact Form 7 form. The whole site is responsive, other than the Contact form div which stays it’s height (not fixed) and doesn’t decrease in height – only width. Below is the code. #imgDiv is the parent and #property-search is the child div. #property-search is the div that only decreases in width and not height.

#imgDiv { position: relative; width: 100%; overflow: auto;}
#imgDiv img { width: 100%; }
#property-search { position: absolute;top: 0; margin-left: 450px; min-width: 18%; background-color: rgba(23, 81, 61, 0.5); overflow: auto; margin-right: 450px;}

EDIT: I understand that positioning absolute will result in the child div not changing in height relative to it’s parent. Hence, I’m looking for a way round this, rather than to be educated on the use of absolute and relative position. Thanks!

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1 comment

  1. Not sure what the need for the absolute positioning is for but if it only to put your text on top of your image, why not just make your image a background-image?

    #imgDiv {
      width: 100%;
      overflow: auto;
      background:url( top center no-repeat;
    #property-search {
      margin-left: 450px;
      min-width: 18%;
      background-color: rgba(23, 81, 61, 0.5);
      overflow: auto;
      margin-right: 450px;
    <div id="imgDiv">
      <div id="property-search">
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    Nullam cursus eleifend eros sit amet egestas. Donec vulputate pulvinar neque in rhoncus. Donec ut nibh ac ligula tristique mollis a a quam. Integer iaculis vitae sapien vitae lacinia. Praesent orci urna, maximus non purus vitae, auctor venenatis magna. Duis ante nisi, accumsan id vulputate vitae, efficitur eget turpis. Curabitur et sem pulvinar, posuere magna in, luctus risus. Phasellus bibendum nibh eu ligula ultricies elementum. Vivamus mattis orci mauris, at mattis mauris suscipit in. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus vel lobortis augue. Quisque eu lectus a lacus congue commodo. Maecenas non euismod libero. Proin volutpat lacus vitae venenatis aliquam. Phasellus sed ex sit amet nibh sollicitudin vulputate ut nec ipsum.

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