ACF: load repeater field from a relationship field

I trying to load a repeater field from related posts with advanced custom field.

I have a post who has a relationship to load posts from another post_type. Then this post_type has a repeater_field. I tried to load these repeater_fields of my related posts. Its a object inside another object.

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Here is my code:

  $posts = get_field('related_posts'); // this is a relation field
  if( $posts ): 
  foreach( $posts as $p ): 

    <section class="slider">
            $quotes = get_field('slider_quotes'); // this is my repeater field

            if( have_rows($quotes) ):
                while ( have_rows($quotes) ) : the_row();
      <div><h2><?php echo get_sub_field('quote'); ?></h2></div>

       <?php endwhile; else: 
                echo "Nothing yet"; 
        endif; ?>


I already tried:

$frases = get_field('slider_quotes', $p->ID);


<?php echo get_sub_field('quotes', $p->ID); ?>

And I got nothing.



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