preg_replace Remove comment text in content

In post content, i insert a text like below

 abc acb acb acb
<!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->
 abc acb acb acb
 abc acb acb acb
<!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->
 abc acb acb acb
 abc acb acb acb
<!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->
 abc acb acb acb

I want to get only

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abc acb acb acb
abc acb acb acb
abc acb acb acb
abc acb acb acb
abc acb acb acb
abc acb acb acb

And i run this code

 function remove($content){
    preg_match_all("/<!--REMOVE-->.*<!--ENDREMOVE-->/", $content, $matches);
    $content= preg_replace("/<!--REMOVE-->.*<!--ENDREMOVE-->/", '', $content);

    return $content;
 add_filter('the_content', 'remove', 1);

but it does not work. What is the problem ?

The real result from above code is

abc acb acb acb
abc acb acb acb

And var_dump is one result, not 3 results

    0 => <!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->
         abc acb acb acb
         abc acb acb acb
         <!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->
         abc acb acb acb
         abc acb acb acb
         <!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->

The right way is

   0 => <!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->

   1 => <!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->

   2 => <!--REMOVE--> text to remove <!--ENDREMOVE-->

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1 comment

  1. The problem you are having with your code is this line:

    $conten = preg_replace("/<!--REMOVE-->.*<!--ENDREMOVE-->/", '', $content);

    $conten is assigned, but $content is returned.

    function remove( $content ) {
        return preg_replace( '/<!--REMOVE-->.*<!--ENDREMOVE-->/', '', $content );

    After question edit:

    The real result from above code is

    abc acb acb acb
    abc acb acb acb

    .* is greedy. It finds all matches up to the last <!--ENDREMOVE-->.

    .*? is not greedy. It finds all matches up to the first <!--ENDREMOVE-->.

    Use this function:

    function remove( $content ) {
        return preg_replace( '/<!--REMOVE-->.*?<!--ENDREMOVE-->/', '', $content );

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