WordPress category permalink

I have a wordpress based website and the default category permalink is like “website.com/category/category-slug”

How can I make it look like “website.com/category-slug”? Of course I will always take care that there is no post/page with the same slug

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  1. There are two solutions for it:

    Solution 1 (simple one):

    For removing /category/ from the URLs, do as follow:

    Step 1: Go to Settings > Permalinks, select Custom Structure and enter the following into textbox:

    enter image description here

    Step 2: In Category Base enter / as follow:

    enter image description here

    Step 3: Save it and your URLs will be http://website.com/category-slug.

    Solution 2:

    Although not updated for 2 years but a very flexible plugin. Simple install this plugin: WP No Category Base.

  2. This should work, although not tested. Fill in the categoryID below and set your desired URL in wp_redirect().

    $category_id = xx;
    $category_link = get_category_link( $category_id )
    wp_redirect( $category_link, 'http://www.website.com/category-slug' ); exit;

    Remember by the way that wp_redirect() always should be followed by exit; (Source: Codex).

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