I have a piece of code I made
abstract class WorkTypes
const Portfolio = 0;
const Study = 1;
function get_our_work ( $atts )
// see https://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API
$work_type = (strcmp($atts['workType'],'ports') === 0) ? WorkTypes::Portfolio : WorkTypes::Study;
include "page-content/our_work.php";
and for reason $work_type
is always evaluating to be WorkTypes::Study
even when I’m 100% sure that $atts['workType']
is equal to 'ports'
. So I know that (strcmp($atts['workType'],'ports') === 0)
is always evaluating to false
. Why?
you’re doing a boolean evaluation on a number? I haven’t done php in quite a while but I’m pretty sure you have to have something like:
$work_type = (strcmp($atts[‘workType’],’ports’) <> 0) ? WorkTypes::Study : WorkTypes::Portfolio;
Which reads, if your $atts[‘workType’] does not match ‘ports’ then WorkTypes::Study else it does match so use WorkTypes::Portfolio regardless of which comparison string is different.