ACF – Repeater shows only last entered row, not all rows from post

I have this code inside my functions.php file:

while ( have_rows('origin-repiter') ): the_row();
$origin = get_sub_field('origin-rep');

while ( have_rows('destination-repiter') ): the_row();
$destination =  get_sub_field('destination-rep');

Here are origin-repiter/destination repiter repeater field name and origin-rep/destination-rep are repeater fields, rows if you want.

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My problem is that on frontend of my WP site ACF shows only last input from backend for repeater fields.


For ORIGIN I entered:

LONDON, PARIS, MOSCOW (three rows) same for DESTINATION but inverse (MOSCOW, PARIS, LONDON).

But on frontend ACF showing only last entry

Origin: MOSCOW & Destination: LONDON

This is a code from functions.php which renders PHP/HTML on frontend for those two fields/snippets:

$output .= '<div class="post_offer"><div class="offer-header"><div class="offer-pr"><div class="offer-pr-t"> from</div> <div class="offer-pr-v"><div class=""><div class="offer-pr-c">'.$fcurrency_icon .'</div><span class="price" style="font-size:30px;">'.$fprice.'</span></div></div></div> <h2 class="offer-tl editor-paragraph-tags">'.$ftitle.'</h2></div><div class="offer-rt-rd"><div class="offer-rt-rd-o"><div class="offer-rt-rd-lb">Origin</div><div class="offer-rt-rd-lo">'.$origin.'</div></div><div class="offer-rt-rd-d"><div class="offer-rt-rd-lb">Destination</div><div class="offer-rt-rd-lo">'.$destination .'</div></div><div class="offer-rt-rd-ico"></div></div>';

Any help appreciated!!!

ADDENDUM – Whole code:

function add_box_post_end($content){
global $post;
$postId = $post->ID;
$title = get_field('title_text', $postId);
$ftitle = ($title != '')? $title :'';
$currency_icon = get_field('currency_icon', $postId);
$fcurrency_icon = ($currency_icon != '')? $currency_icon :'£';
$price =  get_field('price', $postId);
$fprice = ($price != '')? $price :'99';

if( have_rows('origin-destination') ):      /* your_repeater_name corresponds to the name of your repeater field */

    // loop through the rows of data
    while ( have_rows('origin-destination') ) : the_row();

    // or save the sub fields in a variable
    $origin = get_sub_field('origin');
    $destination= get_sub_field('destination');


else :

    // no rows found


$zbor_text = (get_field('zbor_text')!='')?get_field('zbor_text'):'';
$rr = get_field('zbor_images');
    $zbor_imagess = get_field('zbor_images');
    $zbor_images = '';
    foreach($zbor_imagess as $zbor_image){
        $imgUrl = $zbor_image['url'];
        $imgAlt = $zbor_image['title'];
        $imgLink = ($zbor_image['alt']!='')?$zbor_image['alt']:'javascript:;';
        $zbor_images .= '<a href="'. $imgLink .'" target="_blank" style="display:block;"><img src="' . $imgUrl . '" alt="'. $imgAlt .'" /></a><br />';
    $zbor_images = '';

$cazare_text = (get_field('cazare_text')!='')?get_field('cazare_text'):'';
    $cazare_imagess = get_field('cazare_images');
    $cazare_images = '';
    foreach($cazare_imagess as $cazare_image){
        $imgUrl = $cazare_image['url'];
        $imgAlt = $cazare_image['title'];
        $imgLink = ($cazare_image['alt']!='')?$cazare_image['alt']:'javascript:;';
        $cazare_images .= '<a href="'. $imgLink .'" target="_blank" style="display:block;"><img src="' . $imgUrl . '" alt="'. $imgAlt .'" /></a><br />';
    $cazare_images = '';

$inchiriere_masina_text = (get_field('inchiriere_masina_text')!='')?get_field('inchiriere_masina_text'):'';
    $inchiriere_masina_imagess = get_field('inchiriere_masina_images');
    $inchiriere_masina_images = '';
    foreach($inchiriere_masina_imagess as $inchiriere_masina_image){
        $imgUrl = $inchiriere_masina_image['url'];
        $imgAlt = $inchiriere_masina_image['title'];
        $imgLink = ($inchiriere_masina_image['alt']!='')?$inchiriere_masina_image['alt']:'javascript:;';
        $inchiriere_masina_images .= '<a href="'. $imgLink .'" target="_blank" style="display:block;"><img src="' . $imgUrl . '" alt="'. $imgAlt .'" /></a><br />';
    $inchiriere_masina_images = '';

$transfer_aeroport_text = (get_field('transfer_aeroport_text')!='')?get_field('transfer_aeroport_text'):'';
    $transfer_aeroport_imagess = get_field('transfer_aeroport_images');
    $transfer_aeroport_images = '';
    foreach($transfer_aeroport_imagess as $transfer_aeroport_image){
        $imgUrl = $transfer_aeroport_image['url'];
        $imgAlt = $transfer_aeroport_image['title'];
        $imgLink = ($transfer_aeroport_image['alt']!='')?$transfer_aeroport_image['alt']:'javascript:;';
        $transfer_aeroport_images .= '<a href="'. $imgLink .'" target="_blank" style="display:block;"><img src="' . $imgUrl . '" alt="'. $imgAlt .'" /></a><br />';
    $transfer_aeroport_images = '';

$escala_text = (get_field('escala_text')!='')?get_field('escala_text'):'';
    $escala_imagess = get_field('escala_images');
    $escala_images = '';
    foreach($escala_imagess as $escala_image){
        $imgUrl = $escala_image['url'];
        $imgAlt = $escala_image['title'];
        $imgLink = ($escala_image['alt']!='')?$escala_image['alt']:'javascript:;';
        $escala_images .= '<a href="'. $imgLink .'" target="_blank" style="display:block;"><img src="' . $imgUrl . '" alt="'. $imgAlt .'" /></a><br />';
    $escala_images = '';

$button_one_text = (get_field('button_one_text')!='')?get_field('button_one_text'):'CLICK HERE TO BOOK';
$button_one_url = (get_field('button_one_url')!='')?get_field('button_one_url'):'#';
$buttonOne = '<a class="offer-book-lnk" href="'.$button_one_url.'" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">'. $button_one_text .'</a>';

$button_two_text = (get_field('button_two_text')!='')?get_field('button_two_text'):'HOTEL COMPARISON TOOL';
$button_two_url = (get_field('button_two_url')!='')?get_field('button_two_url'):'#';
$buttonTwo = '<a class="offer-book-lnk" href="'. $button_two_url .'" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">'. $button_two_text .'</a>';

$zbor = ($zbor_text!='' || $zbor_images!='')? '[tabby title="ZBOR"]'. $zbor_text . '<br />' . $zbor_images:'';
$cazare = ($cazare_text!='' || $cazare_images!='')? '[tabby title="CAZARE"]'. $cazare_text . '<br />' . $cazare_images:'';

$inchiriere_masina = ($inchiriere_masina_text!='' || $inchiriere_masina_images!='')? '[tabby title="INCHIRIERE MASINA"]'. $inchiriere_masina_text . '<br />' . $inchiriere_masina_images:'';

$transfer_aeroport = ($transfer_aeroport_text!='' || $transfer_aeroport_images!='')? '[tabby title="TRANSFER AEROPORT"]'. $transfer_aeroport_text . '<br />' . $transfer_aeroport_images:'';

$escala = ($escala_text!='' || $escala_images!='')? '[tabby title="ESCALA"]'. $escala_text . '<br />' . $escala_images:'';

$output = '';
if(is_single() && $ftitle!='' && $price!=''){
    $output .= '<div class="post_offer"><div class="offer-header"><div class="offer-pr"><div class="offer-pr-t"> from</div> <div class="offer-pr-v"><div class=""><div class="offer-pr-c">'.$fcurrency_icon .'</div><span class="price" style="font-size:30px;">'.$fprice.'</span></div></div></div> <h2 class="offer-tl editor-paragraph-tags">'.$ftitle.'</h2></div><div class="offer-rt-rd"><div class="offer-rt-rd-o"><div class="offer-rt-rd-lb">Origin</div><div class="offer-rt-rd-lo">'.$origin.'</div></div><div class="offer-rt-rd-d"><div class="offer-rt-rd-lb">Destination</div><div class="offer-rt-rd-lo">'.$destination .'</br></div></div><div class="offer-rt-rd-ico"></div></div>';
    $output .= do_shortcode( $zbor . $cazare . $inchiriere_masina . $transfer_aeroport . $escala . '[tabbyending]');
    $output .= '<div class="offer_footer"><!--<ul class="offer-book">
                        <li class="offer-book-it">' . $buttonOne . '</li>
                        <li class="offer-book-it">' . $buttonTwo . '</li>

$content .= $output;
return $content;

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1 comment

  1. Your first code sample does not make much sense, as your are constantly overwriting the values of $origin and $destination.
    Furthermore if you want to couple the origin and destination values, you should setup the ACF field as follows: 1 repeater and 2 repeater sub-fields for origin and destination

    To loop through the repeater values in the frontend, use a structure like this:

    // check if the repeater field has rows of data
    if( have_rows('your_repeater_name') ):      /* your_repeater_name corresponds to the name of your repeater field */
        // loop through the rows of data
        while ( have_rows('your_repeater_name') ) : the_row();
            // display the sub field (the function the_sub_field echos the values directly)
            the_sub_field('origin');        /* sub-field with name "origin" */
            the_sub_field('destination');   /* sub-field with name "destination" */
            // or save the sub fields in a variable
            $origin = get_sub_field('origin');
            $destination= get_sub_field('destination');
            // and then echo them
            // you need to output them **INSIDE** the while loop
            echo $origin;
            echo $destination;
    else :
        // no rows found

    Applied to your scenario, assuming that you have a functions.php and a page-template:

    Add this to your functions.php:

    Note, you have to check that the acf-field-names match the code. The repeater field in the example is called “your_repeater_name”.

    function print_origin_dest(){
        // check if the repeater field has rows of data
        if( have_rows('your_repeater_name') ):
            // loop through the rows of data
            while ( have_rows('your_repeater_name') ) : the_row();
                // get the acf values
                $origin = get_sub_field('origin');
                $destination= get_sub_field('destination');
                // add the title and icon html here (you have not defined them in your question)
                $ftitle = 'Your title';
                $fcurrency_icon = '';
                // render the content
                $output = '<div class="post_offer"><div class="offer-header"><div class="offer-pr"><div class="offer-pr-t"> from</div> <div class="offer-pr-v"><div class=""><div class="offer-pr-c">'.$fcurrency_icon .'</div><span class="price" style="font-size:30px;">'.$fprice.'</span></div></div></div> <h2 class="offer-tl editor-paragraph-tags">'.$ftitle.'</h2></div><div class="offer-rt-rd"><div class="offer-rt-rd-o"><div class="offer-rt-rd-lb">Origin</div><div class="offer-rt-rd-lo">'.$origin.'</div></div><div class="offer-rt-rd-d"><div class="offer-rt-rd-lb">Destination</div><div class="offer-rt-rd-lo">'.$destination .'</div></div><div class="offer-rt-rd-ico"></div></div>';
                echo $output;
        else :
            // no rows found

    Then in your page-template, call the function:

    <?php print_origin_dest(); ?>

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