in a special case I need the output of wp_get_archives();
to be just raw text instead of a link. Does anyone know how to do that? I recently checked the reference but also the 'format'=>'custom'
option renders a link.
Thanks in advance!
—- Edit (@vard) —-
$args2 = array(type'=>'monthly','limit'=>'','format'=>'html','before'=>'','after'=>'','show_post_count'=> false,'echo'=>1,'order'=>'DESC');
echo "<ul>";
wp_get_archives( $args );
echo "</ul>";
and code from
add_filter( "get_archives_link", "customarchives_link");
function customarchives_link( $x ){
$url = preg_match('@(https?://([-w.]+)+(:d+)?(/([w/_.-]*(?S+)?)?)?)@i', $x, $matches);
return $matches[4] == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ? preg_replace('@<li@', '<li class="current_page_item"', $x) : $x;