I did display the most popular posts in my website using a function but the problem is that this function display the most popular posts for all time and I don’t want this.
I want to display (the most popular posts for today)and this list should be updated automatically every day.
Note that I don’t want to use plugins
THis is in functions.php
<?php //fucntion to sort posts bade in thier views.
$args_views = array( 'posts_per_page' => 6, /* get 4 posts, or set -1 for all */
'orderby' => 'meta_value', /* this will look at the meta_key you set below */
'meta_key' => 'post_views_count',
'order' => 'DESC',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish'
$myposts = get_posts( $args );
foreach( $myposts as $mypost ) {
/* do things here */
and this is my query in index.php
<div class="container">
<?php query_posts($args_views);?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<div id="archive-thumbnail" class="thumbnail">
<div class=" <?php if ( has_catch_that_image() ) { ?>archive-body <?php } ?>">
<div id="archive-img"><img class="media-object-sp" src="<?php echo has_catch_that_image(); ?>" alt="..."></div>
<h4 id="archive-thumbnail-title" style="color:#337ab7;"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"> <?php the_title(); ?></a></h4>
<p id="archive-thumbnail-excerpt"><?php the_excerpt();?></p>
<p class="text-muted"> by: <?php the_author(); ?> | before<?php echo human_time_diff( get_the_time('U'), current_time('timestamp') ) . ''; ?></p></div>
<?php endwhile; ?>
and this is in Snigle.php
<?php // this is to count the views
setPostViews(get_the_ID()); ?>
You can set a WordPress CRON job to reset the post view counts on daily basis. Please note that: All the view counts will be deleted on daily basis and you can’t get those back.
Sample code for setting up CRON and resetting the view counts:
Paste the above code into your current theme’s
file. Try to use Child theme if possible (this is optional though).For more info on setting up CRON jobs through WordPress visit: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_schedule_event