To explain further, here’s what I”m looking to do:
- Create a WP page
- Use the URL and implement it in a reader service that is hosted (not downloadable) that in order to read (& access the URL) you would have needed to purchase a subscription.
- Allow only visitors coming in from the guide access to the page (would be invisible if user clicked on it and tried accessing it from a different location)
To simplify this explanation, I’m looking for a way to only give access to a specific URL from a specific URL.
What would be the best route to take? Are there any plugins that could accomplish this?
Only way to base access on url users come from is to rely on $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’], but as official php docs says:
One chance is to use a secret key and pass it as variable in the url, then in the template check it against a custom field, something like:
but everyone knows the key (and add it to the url) will see the post (wherever comes from), so is not really secure.