Can’t access WordPress dashboard unless Administrator

Our non-Administrator (Shop Manager, Editor, Author, etc) users cannot access the WordPress/Woocommerce dashboard. Administrators can access the dashboard.

Can anyone share any suggestions for getting our non-Administrators access to the dashboard?

Many thanks in advance.

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    • Try to disable ALL the plugins at the same time.
    • If it works then enable the plugins one by one to find the culprit.
    • If its still doesnt work make sure you have the latest version or
    • If everything is up to date and its still doesnt work then look into the functions.php file in
      your theme, maybe there is some script that causes the problem..

    If nothing of these has worked you could always apply a patch until you find the real source of the problem, here is some suggestions:

    • Do a temporary quick fix by using the user_has_cap filter
    • Add capabilties to user roles so the will be able to access like an administratior see the add_cap() function
  1. If you have installed Ultimate Member plugin:

    • Go to User Roles page
    • Press Edit on the role that you want to access the dashboard
    • Check: Can access wp-admin?
    • Press Update role
    • Then test; it should work then

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