What action/filter/function determines “current” class in WP Admin Menu

I have created a submenu page for the Media List Table. The link actually points to a custom view I have created called Resources. I am looking for the correct location where the Admin menu determines what page(s) are highlighted as “current”, and cannot seem to find where I could access this.

add_media_page( __( 'Resources', ZG_TEXTDOMAIN ), __( 'Resources', ZG_TEXTDOMAIN ), 'read', 'upload.php?resources=1' );

Here is an image of the Resources menu item being clicked, the URL reading as /wp-admin/upload.php?resource=1, but the menu is obviously not being highlighted properly.

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Quite an odd request, as it’s not it’s on page, but the current path does match the menu slug, so I’m not seeing where the issue lies.

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