I’m getting a little lost :d
Short explanation:
I want to be able to process $_POST data when a submit button is clicked on a custom post type. So firstly how or what function can I use to add a custom input submit, and secondly how can I build a function for the submitting of this button?
Can’t seem to find a solution anywhere!
Long explanation:
I’m building a authorisation paypal system for a custom post type named orders. I have my orders in a table which I access using a class. I have my payment information and I know what I have to do which is capture the payment, but I want a button to be able to do this and return errors. So I want a separate button to ‘update’ and a method of capturing the action so I can do my API call etc.
I don’t want a plugin. I just need to know how to make an input and then use $_POST.
Can I do it with a custom meta box?
function build_order_payment_info($post){
<input name="ID" type="hidden" value="ID of my payment">
<input name="Other info needed" type="hidden" value="">
<input name="submitPayment" type="submit" value="Process payment">
Then in my order meta
function save_order(){
//send payment api
}else echo"There was an error with the payment";
Would something like that work? I’ve also read that I can provide the custom post type to the add_action function like this: ‘save_post_orders’, is that correct?
action andwp_nonce_field
.When using
it will require a hidden input within the form.When using this you want to add your action too
This will result in the form being ‘submitted’ to
I’ve also used
within my form like thisIf I understand you right, you want some input fields and a button that sends the values from the inputs to a file on the server and that file should do something with it?
Well if thats the case, you can do that on 2 ways:
1 – the good old submit button
2 – bind an ajax call to an element
1: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_button_form.asp
2: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/
well the rest is then just a script on server side (http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.post.php)
note to 2: at the bottom are some examples, they are easier to understand if you’ve never done this before