Asp.Net Mvc 4 – Login does not work in Safari Mobile

The design of my application is done with wordpress, but the login part I use an Iframe for the application Asp.Net Mvc 4 using (‘‘ ‘_top ‘) to login. I can not log into Safari Mobile, but in other browsers I can. I’ve tried to do:

<authentication  mode = "Forms" > 

 <forms  loginUrl = "~/Login"  timeout = "2880"  cookieless = "UseCookies" /> 


But I could not, in the url seems the page that comes after login, but the page that appears is the login, can not pass the login page.

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I do not know if it’s because the session or Iframe?

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1 comment

  1. The best way to solve this problem is to apply you wordpress site in your MVC application. i.e. Download your wordpress site, and try to apply it in your MVC.

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