The community is private and it has several pages /wordpress /design /etc . When users go to those pages the only thing they can do is to comment.
Now, what I am trying to do, Idk if possible, but if it is I need some directions/hints on what too search for.
Instead of those numbers I want to display like the title says, the number of lastest comments since the current user visited those pages.
I thought of using localStorage/cookies but then if the user decides to login from somewhere else, that won’t do the job, in others words I dont have a clue on where to go from here.
Any suggestions would really be appreciated.
You can store the data in the user meta as an array of post-id -> comment count at last visit and then simply count the comments since that date, for example
and to use it you call it with the page id and user id of the current logged in user.