How to install wordpress with postgresql

I m newbie in wordpress. i just install wordpress 4.2.2. I want to install wordpress on heroku with postgresql. Before that i try to install wordpress with postgresql on my localhost. I follow the PG4WP installation steps but still my wordpress install with mysql database its not giving me option to install with postgresql.

I am using WordPress 4.2.2 version and for database i am using postgresql 9.1

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  1. It might be a little late, but the current answers are and were wrong. It is possible to use PostgreSQL, even though it is not officially supported and it is not recommend for various reasons: The official documentation says, that it would be expensive to realize since every new wordpress version would have to be tested against the other database back-ends and since many plugins also rely on mysql-specific calls it will probably never be possible to make ‘everything’ multi database compatible. Source:

    If you still want to use wordpress with PostgreSQL the better place to start would be the official PostgreSQL documentation. It says, that one needs a wordpress plugin called ‘PG4WP’ to make it work.

  2. Tutorial:

    Repo used in tutorial:

    === PostgreSQL for WordPress (PG4WP) ===
    Contributors: Hawk__ (
    Requires at least: 2.9.2
    Tested up to: 4.5.3
    Stable tag: 1.3.1
    License: GPLv2 or later
    PostgreSQL for WordPress is a special 'plugin' enabling WordPress to be used with a PostgreSQL database.

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