On click I want to open a popup window which will allow my visitors to share my blog via FACEBOOk. Everything works great, but the problem is I cant get the permalink of the current article. How to add php in javascript?
// Replace the images with the following div and pin button
$button_div = '<div class="plugin">
<div class="imgshare">
<div class="postfb">
<a onclick="popItUp()">
<img src="http://www.example.com/wp-content/facebook.png" width="45px" />
<div class="demo"><img$1src="$2.$3" $4 width="$5" height="$6" /></div>
// Replace the images with a containing div with a pin button on the image
$content = preg_replace( $pattern, $button_div, $content );
return $content;
function popItUp(url) {
var newWindow = window.open('http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=<?php the_permalink(); ?>&title=<?php the_title(); ?>', 'name', 'height=615,width=475,scrollbars=yes');
if (newWindow.focus) {
only works within “the loop”.I assume this code is outside of the main post loop in which case you need to use
and pass the ID of the post that is being viewed.You can get the ID of the current post by getting the post object from the
;Now you can use: