WordPress’s wp_redirect() with add_query_arg() not updating global $_GET

I access the page like:
Until here, it works, if I use $_GET['step'] its ok, its 3.

But, after step 3 do what it needs to do, I call:
wp_redirect( add_query_arg( 'step', 4 ) );
Looking on network tab at Devtools it does access with 302 as: example.com?step=4
But at the page $_GET['step'] is still 3! Than it enters in an infinite loop.

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I logged $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] and it is as expected step=4, but right on the next line I call $_GET['step'] and it is 3!

When I access directly example.com?step=4 it works, $_GET['step'] is 4, but when I use wp_redirect(); it doesnt.

Can some one help?

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  1. I think your problem is that you are not clearing out the old “step” before adding the new one. add_query_arg() doesn’t update the string, it adds to it.

    So try doing something like…

    $origURL = remove_query_arg( 'step' );
    wp_redirect( add_query_arg( 'step', 4, $origURL ) );