I need to include the path to my theme file within a javascript file. How would I go about this? I have already tried:
var templateUrl = "<?php get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>";
function LightboxOptions() {
this.fileLoadingImage = "'"+templateUrl+"/img/loading.gif'";
this.fileCloseImage = "'"+templateUrl+"/img/close.png'";
this.resizeDuration = 700;
this.fadeDuration = 500;
this.labelImage = "Image";
this.labelOf = "of";
This does not give me the path, but just inserts <?php get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>
instead of the actual path. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
What you’re looking for is wp_localize_script function.
You use it like this when enqueing script
In your style.js, there is going to be:
These are the following two ways to add theme path in javascript file.
1) You can use wp_localize_script() suggested by wordpress in your functions.php file. This will create a Javascript Object in the header, which will be available to your scripts at runtime.
Example :
and can use in your js file as following :
2) You can create a Javascript snippet that saves the template directory uri in a variable, and use it later as following:
Add this code in header.php file before the js file in which you want to use this path.
and can use in your js file as following :
You can localize your javascript files, wich gives you the opportunity to generate a javascript array filled with PHP defined values (such as localisation or directories).
If you load your javascript file trough
its easy to set up like follows:And in your javascript files, you can call these variables by:
I started using this convenient little method to get the WordPress theme directory and store it as a global JavaScript variable (all from within a javascript file):
This will only work if the following conditions are met:
1. This snippet is executed via an external JavaScript file – like this:
2. The js file resides within your site’s theme directory (or subdirectory).
This is how I did it.
Place the javascript file and images in theme-folder/assets
And edit the following files.
In functions.php
In your javascript file
If the javascript file is loaded from the admin dashboard, you can use this javascript function get the root of your WordPress installation.
Then just contact the path to your theme like below.