I have a WordPress website running WooCommerce and I am using a plugin called XERO to do my invoicing, whenever I try and send an invoice to XERO via WordPress back end the website throws an error:
Fatal error: Class ‘WC_XR_OAuthSimple’ not found in /home/vipcomau/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-xero/classes/requests/class-wc-xr-request.php on line 213
So here is the the snippet of code where this error refers to:
private function get_signed_url() {
if ( null === $this->signed_url ) {
// Setup OAuth object
$oauthObject = new WC_XR_OAuthSimple();
// Reset, start clean
// Settings object
$settings = new WC_XR_Settings();
// Do the OAuth sign request
$oauth_result = $oauthObject->sign( array(
'path' => self::API_URL . $this->get_endpoint() . '/',
'action' => 'PUT',
'parameters' => array(
'oauth_signature_method' => 'RSA-SHA1'
'signatures' => array(
'consumer_key' => $settings->get_option( 'consumer_key' ),
'shared_secret' => $settings->get_option( 'consumer_secret' ),
'rsa_private_key' => $settings->get_option( 'private_key' ),
'rsa_public_key' => $settings->get_option( 'public_key' ),
'oauth_secret' => $settings->get_option( 'consumer_secret' ),
'oauth_token' => $settings->get_option( 'consumer_key' )
) );
// Set the signed URL
$this->signed_url = $oauth_result['signed_url'];
return $this->signed_url;
I am really struggling with this as I am not a PHP developer but setting the website up for a client.