I want limit number of categories that are displaying, problem is that it uses not default wordpress (it uses theme code that I have) code a.k.a names that I don’t know and google does not found.
So for example this code displays all the categories:
<?php echo cp_create_categories_list( 'dir' ); ?>
How can I limit number of categories that are displaying?
I have tried combine this with default wordpress code:
// display 7 random categories
$cats ='';
$categories=get_categories('exclude=' . $GLOBALS[asides_id]);
$rand_keys = array_rand($categories, 7);
foreach ($rand_keys as $key) {
$cats .= $categories[$key]->term_id .',';
But I didn’t got any success with it maybe because of lack of knowledge or it simply does not work.
Please update your code like this