formatting string date into mysql date

I’ve been reading threads here on how to format the string date probably, however it wont add the date. Instead it just adds 0000-00-00. How come it wont format the string date?

the $date variable could for instance be equal to 10/10/2014

    $date = str_replace('.', '-', $undate);
    $timestamp = strtotime($date);
    $newdate = date("Y-m-d", $timestamp);
    $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO " . $your_db_name . "
        (date, time, hometeam, awayteam, score)
         VALUES ($newdate, '$time', '$opp1', '$opp2', '$score')");

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  1. If you already got the correct date format Y-m-d, those needed to be quoted as well:

    VALUES ('$newdate', '$time', '$opp1', '$opp2', '$score')

    With @hakre’s suggestion on the comment below. It also has a prepared statement wrapper, might as well use it for safer queries:

    $prepared_statement = $wpdb->prepare("
        INSERT INTO $your_db_name
            (date, time, hometeam, awayteam, score)
            VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )

    If this $your_db_name (most likely a table name) is a user input as well, you need to whitelist this as you cannot bind table names. A simple in_array() with predefined table names should suffice.