WAMP 403 forbidden error when using ‘glob()’

I’m trying to make PHP grab the paths to all images in a folder (and then select one at random), but I keep getting a 403 - forbidden warning.

I tried using both glob() and scandir(), as well as trying the path directly in the browser.

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Here is my code (using glob()) –

$directory = plugins_url('images/backgrounds', __FILE__);
if(is_dir($directory)) :
    $backgrounds = glob($directory . '*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);

I’m using WAMP and developing locally, so I can’t see any reason why Apache wouldn’t have access to the folder in question.

The $directory is correct, so it’s not that it doesn’t exist that is causing a problem (a 404 error is returned if I deliberatly alter the path to one I know doesn’t exist).

I am preventing indexing via .htaccess but I have since removed this line and it made no difference.

Can anyone please suggest what I might check to try and fix this issue? Thanks.


I should add that my PHP and Apache logs seem to not be logging this event.

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1 comment

  1. In your code, you have used – plugins_url which looks like a WordPress function which will return a URL.

    But you have to pass a file path to the glob function.

    So you can use plugin_dir_path(), a wordpress function to get absolute path of plugin directory which can be used in glob function.