WordPress – Dashboard not allowing to Customize Header Logo

I have adaptive flat theme there in the Dashboard i have the option to customize the theme i.e., Header Logo

But it doesn’t show me the options I don’t know reason

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Here is my Screen

Screen which shows the option

enter image description here

Screen which shows the options not showing.

Note :

Even i uninstalled the them , deleted and newly installed the theme and did the same in another folder too, cleared the cache and cookie but it is not succesfull

I even navigated to main page, sub page in the left pane but i can’t able to see the header edit option to update the header logo.

How can i get back ??

enter image description here

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1 comment

  1. In adaptive-flat/lib/customizer.php put the following code:

    //header image
        $wp_customize->add_section( 'header_logo' , array(
        'title'      => __( 'Header Logo', 'giga_flat' ),
        'priority'   => 2,
        ) );
        $wp_customize->add_setting( 'header_image' , array(
        'default'     => '',
        'transport'   => 'refresh',
        ) );
        $wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Image_Control( $wp_customize, 'header_image', array(
        'label'        => __( 'Image Upload', 'giga_flat' ),
        'section'    => 'header_logo',
        'settings'   => 'header_image',
        'priority' => 2, 
        ) ) );