wordpress – how to access and edit index.php file

Is there a way to edit the index.php file in wordpress?

Around the web i found a lot of post saying to go to appearance -> editor,

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but I can’t find this menu… maybe this feature was removed…

So how can I do it?

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  1. There are two ways you can edit your PHP files.

    Method 1: Edit the file in your Installation Directory on the Web Server
    (this is what Anoop Asok is talking about)

    Go to WordPress Installation directory. Follow the path wp-content >
    themes. Open your theme folder. In that you can see index.php file.
    Edit it and save.

    Method 2: Edit the file from the WP Dashboard
    (This is easier and is what you were trying to do but that file isn’t always made available by your theme)

    • Download, install, and activate the Synchi plugin (this is an awesome IDE and one of its nice features is that it will allow you advanced theme editing)
    • Go to Appearance > Editor . Now you will see the -themes- window on the right and you will have full access to all your theme files.
    • Double-click your theme and drill down until you find your file you want to edit

    NOTE! You should avoid editing your theme files because they might be over-written next time you update your theme. Make a child theme and put a copy of index.php in there and work off that one instead.

  2. Please do this.

    Go to WordPress Installation directory.
    Follow the path wp-content > themes.
    Open your theme folder.
    In that you can see index.php file.
    Edit it and save.