i want to change my articles rating-script from 10 stars rating (gdsr) to up and downvotes (like youtube).
But i dont want to loose my current ratings, so my idea is to convert the current (10 stars gdStarRating) to up and downvotes.
My problem is the math formula … i dont get it.
for example
10 members has voted, the rating is 9
= 9 upvotes and 1 downvote
another example
18 member has voted, the rating is 9.6
= ?? upvotes and ?? downvotes
15 member has voted, the rating is 8.8
= ?? upvotes and ?? downvotes
What is the correct (PHP) math formula ?
Multiply the rating ratio by the # of total votes to get the up/down ratio that’s closest to your current vote/10 ratio
a rating of 9.6 translates into 96% upvotes, 18 * 96% = 17.23 => 17 up votes 1 down vote
a rating of 8.8 translates into 88% upvotes, 15 * 88% = 13.2 => 13 up votes 2 down votes
PHP example