How to add a specific widget to only 1 page?

I would like to show a widget in only one page of my site, as i can see it is not possible right?

Should i add that for all my site pages or not?

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  1. It depends on where you want to show the widget.

    Let’s start with the widget area (sidebar) registration:

    add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'wpse_76959_register_widget_area' );
    function wpse_76959_register_widget_area()
            array (
                'name'          => __(
                    'Widgets on page Sample Page',
                'description'   => __(
                    'Will be used on a page with a slug "sample-page" only.',
                'id'            => 'sample-only',
                'before_widget' => '<div id="sample-only-widget">',
                'after_widget'  => '</div>',
                'before_title'  => '<h2>',
                'after_title'   => '</h2>',

    This is quite simple. We register a new widget area with some custom markup.

    enter image description here

    Now we have to show it somewhere. We could add a custom action in our page.php template:

    do_action( 'show_sample_widget' );

    Or we could use an existing action, this would limit the places where the widget is available. For example the action loop_start is called the first time we call the_post() in a loop. If we want to set the widget on top of the page content, we use that hook:

    add_action( 'loop_start', 'wpse_76959_render_widget' );
    function wpse_76959_render_widget()
        is_page( 'sample-page' ) && dynamic_sidebar( 'sample-only' );
        remove_action( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );

    For a custom action we’d use instead:

    add_action( 'show_sample_widget', 'wpse_76959_render_widget' );
  2. There are several plugins that allow to show widgets based on specific conditions:

    An alternative solution is given by the following plugin, which allows you to define a custom set of widgets on a per-page basis, directly from the edit page screen:

  3. If you are comfortable editing the templates files for your theme:

    Find where


    is called, and either before or after it, or prettymuch anywhere on your site use:

    $pageTitle =  get_the_title($post->ID); 
    $targetPage = 'the title of the page you want to target goes here';
        if($pageTitle == $targetTitle){    
         the_widget( 'the_widget_unique_id_aka_name', $instance, $args);
       //the_widget() calls a specific widget and displays it

    If you want to be cleaner about it: Create a function in functions.php that would look like:

    function call_my_widget( $post ){
        $pageTitle =  get_the_title($post-ID); 
        $targetPage = 'the title of the page you want to target goes here';
            if($pageTitle == $targetTitle){    
             the_widget( 'the_widget_unique_id_aka_name', $instance, $args);

    call the function with:

    call_my_widget( $post );

    this has to be called in the loop or where the $post global variable is existant.

    Then call that function in your template file (page.php perhaps?) to display your target widgets on only your target page.