remove or update add_image_size

I’m working on a theme that has a number of image sizes defined correctly using:

add_image_size( 'name', 500, 200, true );

I would like to override these defined sizes from the child theme:

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add_image_size( 'new-name', 400, 300, true );

I know I can add new sizes, but if I add the same name i.e:

add_image_size( 'name', 400, 300, true );

Then the parent function call is used – the child one is ignored – adding extra rules adds extra images which will never be used – it’s not so bad, but it’s not efficient.

Is there a function to de-register an added image size?



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  1. The add_image_size( $name, $width, $height, $crop ) function is graceful enough to handle multiple calls using the same $name. It simply overwrites the existing value:

    $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$name] = array( 'width' => absint( $width ), 'height' => absint( $height ), 'crop' => (bool) $crop );

    So that means that all you need to do to override the parent Theme’s definition of the custom image size is to ensure that your call to add_image_size() fires after the parent Theme’s call.

    Assuming that the Parent Theme does like so:

    function parent_theme_setup() {
        add_image_size( 'name', 500, 200, true );
        add_image_size( 'new-name', 400, 300, true );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'parent_theme_setup' );

    Then the parent Theme’s add_image_size() call fires at the after_setup_theme hook, at the default priority (i.e. 10).

    (Note: if the calls are not wrapped in a callback, then they fire at the plugins_loaded hook, at priority 10.)

    Here’s the critical part: the child Theme’s functions.php file is parsed before the parent Theme’s, so if you use the same hooks to fire your add_image_size() calls, they’ll get overridden by the parent Theme’s add_image_size() calls.

    The solution is to use a later hook or a lower priority, to ensure that the child Theme’s add_image_size() call fires after the parent Theme’s.

    This should do the trick, regardless of how the parent Theme fires its calls:

    function child_theme_setup() {
        add_image_size( 'name', 400, 300, true );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'child_theme_setup', 11 );

    Note that we use the same after_setup_theme hook, but use a lower priority (i.e. 11 instead of 10. Callbacks fire in order from higher priority (lower number) to lower priority (higher number), starting with priority 0. So a callback hooked into priority 11 will fire after a callback hooked into priority 10.

    Note also that the after_setup_theme hook itself fires after the plugins_loaded hook, so this callback will still override the parent Theme, even if the parent Theme is _doing_it_wrong() by not wrapping such calls in an appropriate callback, hooked into an appropriate hook.

  2. If someone wants to simply unset the additional image sizes, as opposed to changing the dimensions, use remove_image_size( string $name ), e.g.

    function pinboard_child_theme_setup( $sizes) {
        $image_size_names = array('thumbnail', 'medium', 'large',
            'slider-thumb', 'blog-thumb', 'teaser-thumb', 'gallery-1-thumb',
            'gallery-2-thumb', 'gallery-3-thumb', 'image-thumb', 'video-thumb');
        $image_size_names_length = count($image_size_names);
        for($x = 0; $x < $image_size_names_length; $x++) {
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'pinboard_child_theme_setup', 11);