I want to add custom image sizes to the media uploader:
In order to do this, I use the following code (comments are there for convenience):
// this function adds the custom image sizes to the media uploader
function my_insert_custom_image_sizes( $sizes ) {
// get the custom image sizes
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
// if there are none, just return the built-in sizes
if ( empty( $_wp_additional_image_sizes ) )
return $sizes;
// add all the custom sizes to the built-in sizes
foreach ( $_wp_additional_image_sizes as $id => $data ) {
// take the size ID (e.g., 'my-name'), replace hyphens with spaces,
// and capitalise the first letter of each word
if ( !isset($sizes[$id]) )
$sizes[$id] = ucfirst( str_replace( '-', ' ', $id ) );
return $sizes;
// define the init function next, which sets up all the necessary stuff
function custom_image_setup () {
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
add_image_size( 'my-size1', 250, 250 );
add_image_size( 'my-size2', 350, 350 );
add_image_size( 'my-size3', 450, 450 );
add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'my_insert_custom_image_sizes' );
// attach that init function to the 'after_setup_theme' hook
// so it runs on each page load once your theme's been loaded
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'custom_image_setup' );
This code works fine. Beside one issue: When uploading an image, if it is smaller than the dimensions of the smallest custom image size, then this error appears: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
I presume the problem comes from the my_insert_custom_image_sizes
function. So basically, when no custom image is made, the error appears. How can I fix this? I have a feeling the problem is something simple that I overlooked but I’m lost…
If you want to replicate this error, just paste the above code in functions and upload an image that is smaller than 250×250 in pixels.
UPDATE: After some further research, it appears that the error is related to the foreach in my JPEG compression function:
// Set JPEG compression quality
add_filter('jpeg_quality', create_function('$quality', 'return 100;'));
add_action('added_post_meta', 'ad_update_jpeg_quality', 10, 4);
function ad_update_jpeg_quality($meta_id, $attach_id, $meta_key, $attach_meta) {
if ($meta_key == '_wp_attachment_metadata') {
$post = get_post($attach_id);
if ($post->post_mime_type == 'image/jpeg') {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($attach_meta['file']);
$uploads = wp_upload_dir();
$dir = $uploads['basedir'] . '/' . $pathinfo['dirname'];
foreach ($attach_meta['sizes'] as $size => $value) {
$image = $dir . '/' . $value['file'];
$resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
if ($size == 'large') {
// set the jpeg quality for 'large' size
imagejpeg($resource, $image, 35);
} elseif ($size == 'medium') {
// set the jpeg quality for the 'medium' size
imagejpeg($resource, $image, 35);
} elseif ($size == 'small') {
// set the jpeg quality for the 'small' size
imagejpeg($resource, $image, 40);
} else {
// set the jpeg quality for the rest of sizes
imagejpeg($resource, $image, 90);
Any ideas what is wrong with it?
Invalid argument supplied for foreach
means that the X inforeach X as ...
is not an array. You can prevent this error by type casting; add(array)
before the argument in the foreach statement. This will turn your variable into an array, essentially. In your code, the change would be…Now keep in mind that this won’t fix the real issue here, which is that your code is expecting
to be an array and it is not. You may want to refactor your code to handle that scenario.