I’m running a very rough lightweight WordPress install at http://tbrander1.appspot.com I get at best a few hits a day.
My cloud SQL instance seems to be getting treated as running 24×7 useage (d0 instance) or $10+ per month even though it is set to per use.. What gives??.. is WordPress itself keeping it active? I have batcache and the GAE plug-in installed which is supposed to minimize any SQL hits…
Is there something I can do to get the charges ie get it running per use?
Seems this will be a Barrier/issue for many WP users if they try using GAE
It is likely that you have a scheduled task to run the wp-cron.php endpoint. The default for this is every 2 hours. This likely means you are starting your Cloud SQL database qyite frequently. Please bear in mind usage is billed by hour, so if your instance is used at all in a given hour then the whole hour is charged for.
If your app has very little usage try reducing or removing the cron frequency.
If you set it to on demand it will only connect when its needed. After a few minutes it will shut down again. There will be a spool up time for the first person but it should be very short.