Use filter.js streaming with WordPress JSON API

I have filter.js working well with the WordPress JSON API but I have had to tell the JSON API to output all the posts but specifying &count=-1 (usually they are paged in 10s).

This is fine while there aren’t a huge number of posts but as more are added, the longer the WordPress JSON API will take to generate the JSON.

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filter.js offers streaming whereby it grabs chunks of a JSON file and incrementally adds them to the page.

The real issue:

How can I get the ‘streaming’ (which has an AJAX request format of .json?offset=0&limit=50) to use the WordPress JSON API paged results? Each new page requires a new WordPress JSON API call &page=2 etc.

Below is the relevant code I have so far but you can find all of it in a paste bin here:

apiLocation: '/api/get_posts/?post_type=business&count=-1',

settings: {
  filter_on_init: true,
  filter_criteria: {
    location: ['.js__filter-location .TYPE.any', 'taxonomy_business_location.ARRAY.slug'],
    type: ['.js__filter-type .TYPE.any', 'taxonomy_business_type.ARRAY.slug']
  search: {
    input: '#filterSearch',
    search_in: '.media__title, .media__body, .media__footer'
  filter_types: {
    any: function( current_value, option ){
      if ( current_value === '') { return true; }
      else { return current_value === option; }

  streaming: {
    data_url: filter.apiLocation,
    stream_after: 1,
    batch_size: 10

init: function(){
  return FilterJS( filter.get_api_data( filter.apiLocation ).posts, '#resultsList', filter.view, filter.settings );

get_api_data: function( api_location ){

  var data;

    async: false, //thats the trick
    url: api_location,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function( response ){
       data = response;

  return data;


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1 comment

  1. I haven’t tested this, but something like this should work…

    Try adding these configuration changes. Filter.js will add the params options as query parameters to the request:

    filter = {
        filterCount: 0,
        apiLocation: '/api/get_posts',
        settings: {
            ... keep current settings, including streaming parameter ...
            params: {
                'post_type': 'business',
                'page': 1,
                'count': 10
            callbacks: {
                after_filter: function( result ){
                    ... keep current function ...
                before_add: function() {

    Remove the get_api_data function (just let filter.js handle the ajax requests) and change init to:

    init: function(){
        if ( $('body').hasClass('view-map') ) {
        return FilterJS([], '#resultsList', filter.view, filter.settings);