I’m having tests on AWS EC2 and I setup a WordPress, everything was good.
But few days after I decided to stop and start (not reboot) the server “to see”. And indeed it wasn’t a bad idea.
My WordPress became really slow (90% time out).
I found a fix, I drop all tables in mysql server and then the WordPress server is responsive again (and quick). But of course I need to recreate another database. So I think it comes from the database.
The MySQL server is up (service mysqld status) and all the data are in the tables.
I have nothing on ephemeral storage, / is on an EBS.
UPDATE : with firebug the GET request for html/php seems OK but all css and js is aborted (time out 50s)
I may have missed something…
I’m quite lost, any idea ?
Cause :
I noticed that in firebub the CSS and Javascript was loaded from the prior IP (before the stop aws instance).
Indeed AWS change my IP when I stop / start the instance.
But I didn’t know that WordPress keep the website IP in the database and use it to load the css and js files.
So I just updated the IP and it was working again.
Fix :
table to update :
update wp_options
set option_value =
where option_name = ‘siteurl’;